FST holds Dean's Final Year Project List Presentation Ceremony
27 May 2013
The University of Macau's (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) recently held the Dean's Final Year Project List Presentation Ceremony 2013, which attracted many industry practitioners, students and Macao residents. UM hopes this event could provide a platform to recognise outstanding graduates and to showcase their achievements from four years of study. The exhibition presented more than 60 creative design works by graduating students covering a wide range of areas, including structural, environmental and hydraulic engineering, computer graphics and visual computing, software engineering, biomedical engineering, power engineering, automotive engineering, and human factors engineering. Some students also presented their design concepts and gave onsite demonstrations. Prof. Tam Kam Weng says that the suggestions and support from the industry and the community could help FST to improve its teaching and research, adding that the exhibition not just provided a platform for students to interact with the industry and hear feedback for improvement, but also offered a chance for the industry to know more about the talents and specialties of the students.
今年登上科技學院畢業設計榮譽榜的學生分別是:土木及環境工程系的羅佩珊、劉倨村、陳少夫、康寧、許金禪;電腦及資訊科學系的陳偉業、邵文錦、歐偉豪、周吉喆、陳珊妮、黃詩敏、黃景坤、吳嘉傑、姚坤;電機及電腦工程系的Janir Nuno da Cruz、劉家輝、張宇哲、趙偉麟、李嘉進、黃漢揚、周競全、梁文彪、彭紫建;以及機電工程系的叢姍、張駿濤、馬鐵男、林嘉華、郭子峰、李華超、陳萬通、胡國偉和鄭霍東。經嚴格評選,土木及環境工程系的羅佩珊、電腦及資訊科學系的周吉喆、電機及電腦工程系的Janir Nuno da Cruz以及機電工程系的叢姍和張駿濤榮登院長榮譽榜的學系優秀畢業設計,而電機及電腦工程系的Janir Nuno da Cruz 憑其作品“Adaptive Time-Window Length & Patterned Visual Stimuli for Enhancement of SSVEP-based BCI Performance”獲得學院卓越畢業設計的榮譽。

Guests and students included in The Dean's Final Year Project List