Students of the Department of Computer and Information Science Won First and Second Prizes at the IEEE Project Competition 2012 Macau
澳門大學科技學院電腦及資訊科學系學生於"IEEE Project Competition 2012"奪得第一名及第二名

21 May 2012

Two undergraduate student teams of the Department of Computer and Information Science won the first and second prizes in the “IEEE Project Competition 2012” held at the University of Macau on 20th May 2012.

The first team, Lei I Kei (Wendy) and Wong Wong (Jacky) won a First Prize with their project “iINTERACT - Study of Eye Tracking Technologies and Its Applications”. The second team, Lei Sio Meng (Vincent), Tang Kam Wa (Roy) and Ng Ka Long (Ronald) won a Second Prize with their project “CanSpeak – Cantonese Text to Speech System”. Both teams are supervised by Dr. Derek F. Wong and Dr. Lidia S. Chao.

iINTERACT, a video-based Eye-tracking system that monitors and captures the details of the fast movement of subject’s pupil. The system employs an inexpensive solution by using convention digital video camera to keep track of eye’s movement and control for human-computer interaction. It allows users to play computer games, input text and draw pictures with eye control instead of keyboard and mouse. In addition, the gaze motion can be analyzed and displayed in form of gaze plot and heat map.

CanSpeak is a Cantonese Text to Speech application over Web environment. The system accepts Traditional Chinese text input and produces corresponding Cantonese pronunciations. User can easily rewind and listen to the synthesized voices.

The IEEE Project Competition 2012 has the goal of encouraging excellence in Information Technology, Electro-mechanic, Electronic & Electrical and E-Commerce projects. It was organized by the University of Macau Student Branch of the IEEE Macau Chapter. This year’s competition attracted 14 projects, including 3 from Hong Kong and 11 from Macau.

" IEEE Project Competition 2012" 於五月二十日在澳門大學舉行。兩隊澳門大學科技學院電腦及資訊科學系學生分別奪得第一名及第二名。

第一名由軟件工程系學生李綺琪及黃旺所開發的“iINTERACT - 眼球追蹤技術之研究與應用”奪得。同樣來自軟件工程系的鄧錦華、伍家龍及李少明同學,以“CanSpeak - 粵語語音合成系統”的項目獲得第二名。兩隊得獎隊伍的指導老師皆為電腦及資訊科學系教授:黃輝博士及周沁博士。

iINTERACT, 是一個基於視頻技術的眼球追蹤系統,通過計算獲得眼球快速移動的細微動作。目標是利用普通的数碼攝像鏡頭,研發一個提供眼球追蹤和利用眼球操控,用於人機交互的系統。用者可透過眼睛取代鼠標或任何按鍵方式操控電腦遊戲、輸入文字和畫畫。同時以gaze plot 和heat map方法分析和顯示眼跡。



The CanSpeak and iInteract teams (left to right): Dr. Derek F. Wong, Ng Ka Long (Ronald), Lei Sio Meng (Vincent), Tang Kam Wa (Roy), Lei I Kei (Wendy), Wong Wong (Jacky), Dr. Lidia S. Chao