Youngsters set out on an exciting research journey at FST Summer Camps
19 Jun 2011
The FST Summer Camp 2011, which was organized by the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of the University of Macau and sponsored by the Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) for a consecutive four years, was inaugurated on 18 June 2011. The camp had received an enthusiastic response from around 300 applications of over 20 high schools. Prof. Yuen Ka Veng, Interim Associate Dean of FST, hoped that through the well-designed workshops, talks and games, students could experience the joy of scientific research and maximize their potential in science.
Prof. Yuen indicated that the summer camps provide a learning opportunity and help broaden the participants' horizons. FST has made strenuous efforts to enhance the quality of the summer camps. Mr. Barry Perlman, Chairman of Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engieers (IEEE), highly complimented on the Wireless Technology Study Summer Camp last year on its innovative and high-standard summer camp activities. As an extension of the summer camp, an IEEE High School Student Wireless Apps Competition, sponsored by MTT-S of IEEE, will be held for students of the summer camp.
The Summer camps this year focused on enhancing the effectiveness of learning in a lively way. Students of Wireless Technology Study Summer Camp worked in group and performed different interactive activities and experiments such as magnetism exploration, ZigBee based motion controlled racing car, radio monitoring and discovery-based learning using GPS devices. Computer Science Exploration Camp helped students to understand more about the benefits and development of computer technology through lectures revealing digital computer and railway control system, workshops of animations and analysis of the Portuguese-Chinese Machine Translation developed by FST research team.
Applied Electromechanical Engineering in Light Railway Transit Summer Camp provided students with workshops of Practice of Material and Control and Management of Light Rail. Topics about Analysis of Railway System, Diagnosis of Breakdown and 3D Modeling Design, Theory of Human Factor and Application in the Railway Carriage were discussed during the summer camp. Civil Engineering Summer Camp was composed of interactive experiments, group games, engineering model fabrication competition. Students of the Civil Engineering Summer Camp were accommodated on-campus during the summer camp and experienced the advantage of living in a residential college.
The opening ceremony was officiated by Mr. Chan Wan Hei, member of Administrative Committee of FDCT, Ms. Leong Lai, Director of Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Mr. Lei Chan Tong, Coordinator of Transportation Infrastructure Office, Mr. Tam Sik Tim, Vice-principal of Escola Choi Nong Chi Tai, Mr. Chan Fung Ieong, Prefect of Studies of Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Chan Sui Ki Perpetual Help College, Prof. Yuen Ka Veng, Interim Associate Dean of FST and also other representatives of FST, Prof. Kou Kun Pang, Prof. Gong Zhiguo, Prof. Tam Kam Weng, Dr. Ng Iok Tong, Dr. Wong Fai and Dr. Wong Seng Fat. At the exhibition venue, there were four different theme-based summer camp booths with the display of scientific work of last year's summer camps participants. Students and their parents can have a better understand of the various content of the summer camp by visiting the outcomes of last summer camps and the booths and games of this year.
阮家榮表示,夏令營為中學生提供了一個很好的學習機會,過程中可擴闊科學視野。他更指出夏令營的質素不斷提升,去年的"無線科技研習夏令營"更獲國際公認的權威組織國際電氣和電子工程學會(The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,IEEE)的微波理論和技術協會(MTT-S)主席Barry Perlman讚賞其活動內容具創新性並達世界領先水平。鑑於無線科技研習夏令營的創新教育成果,IEEE微波理論和技術協會資助舉辦該會全球第一個中學生智能手機無線應用程式專題講座和競賽,學生可於夏令營結營後參加。
