Best Final Year Projects

Best Final Year Projects

*The highlighted one is the best of the best final year projects in that academic year.

StudentsSupervisor(s)Project Title
Sam Ka Lok
Ieong Un San
Mr. Miguel GOMES DA COSTA Junior PeerSynergy - An Innovative Platform: Applying Large Language Model to Peer Instruction
Jiang Rui
Nan Shuyuan
Prof. Fai WONG, Derek WeSpeak: Web Based Simultaneous Interpretation System
Lyu Yifan
Yu Peixin
Prof. Yibo Bob ZHANG Age Progression of Missing Children
Chen Un Lok Prof. Shen Jianbing Audio-Driven Talking Head Generation
Ao Chi Lam
Fan Xiao Yue
Prof. Long CHEN Finding Collagen Area by Explainable AI
StudentsSupervisor(s)Project Title
Zhang Jiajin Prof. Leong Hou U, Ryan Reinforcement Learning in Games
Lo Weng Lam Prof. Fai WONG, Derek iSpeak: A Cantonese Text-to-Speech System
Tam Hoi Chon
Chu Ka Seng
Prof. Yibo Bob ZHANG Automated Detection Testing = To Integrate Automated Attack Simulation and Triaging with The Right Event Logs
Lai Hoi Lam
Li Cheng Man
Mr. Miguel GOMES DA COSTA Junior MACAS Peer Instruction II
Ao Ieong Kin Cheng
Zhou Jun Yu
Prof. Liming ZHANG YOLO-Based Expression Detection
StudentsSupervisor(s)Project Title
Zhang Yuwei Prof. Yibo ZHANG, Bob Masked Facial Recognition
Ma Jingkun Prof. Fai WONG, Derek Yu Sheng - Customizable Poem Writing System
Yao Yutong Prof. Fai WONG, Derek UMor-PG - The Intelligent Chatbot for Postgraduate Admission Information!
Ke Tianfeng Prof. Yicong ZHOU Transformer-based U-Net for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
Lo Pou Kei Prof. Leong Hou U, Ryan E-Voting System Based On Blockchain Technology
StudentsSupervisor(s)Project Title
Chong Iok Hei
Ku Su Wa
Prof. Fai WONG, Derek Can You Read Cantonese? Candarin Can Help!
Sit Hou In
Wong Sin Teng
Prof. Chi Man PUN Malware Detection Based on Deep Learning
Shi Hanyu
Wong Weng Mui
Prof. Long CHEN Image Cartoonizer
Ho Kuok Hou
Wong Iok Keong
Prof. Leong Hou U, Ryan A Study of Reinforcement Learning in Carla
Lok Chon Weng
Qi Yuanyuan
Prof. Yibo Bob ZHANG Automatic Covid-19 Chest CT Image Classification
StudentsSupervisor(s)Project Title
Li Qianyun
Lin Guangze
Prof. Long CHEN E.coli bacteria image segmentation
David Francisco Zhu Sun
Zhang Weijian
Prof. Yibo Bob ZHANG Hand Biometrics Attendance System
Li Junfei
Chen Guanhua
Prof. Fai WONG, Derek UMor:The UM Chatbot!
Liang Jinrong
Liang Jinxuan
Prof. Leong Hou U, Ryan CARLA: autonomous driving system based using machine learning techniques
Choi Chi Hang
Wong U Hou
Prof. Jiantao ZHOU AI Musician
StudentsSupervisor(s)Project Title
Xu Chongchao
Zhang Hanxiang
Prof. Yibo ZHANG, Bob Non-invasive Multi-disease Detection via Face and Tongue Image Analysis using Deep Learning
Chan Chak Tong
Fu Rongrong
Prof. Chi Man VONG Generative Modeling for Illumination Variance in Outdoor Smart Parking Lots Detection and Parking Displacement Detection
Zheng Yudian
Sun Can
Prof. Jiantao ZHOU Semi-Supervised Image-to-Image Translation with Attentional Masks
Kuok Chon Kit
Wong Kuan Hou
Prof. Fai WONG, Derek iLearner: An Intelligent e-Learning Platform for Teaching & Learning
Kan Kam Hou
Lam Su Hang
Ho Ka Chon
Ho Chi Hou
Prof. Leong Hou U, Ryan Data-Driven Traffic Simulation
StudentsSupervisor(s)Project Title
Chan Io Kei
Lao Chi Kin
Un Seng Cheong
Chan Kin Chong
Prof. Leong Hou U, Ryan Music Data Driven Virtual Reality Gaming System
Si Ka Lap
Fang Manqi
Prof. Leong Hou U, Ryan Big Traffic Data Analysis and Visualization
Chan Tin Chon
Shi Boming
Wang Zehao
Prof. Yibo Bob ZHANG Pretty Cam: auxiliary program for mobile camera
Lin Haoxing
Wu Haiwei
Prof. Long CHEN Biomedical Video Denoising Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Yang Yuhan Prof. Fai WONG, Derek
Prof. Sam CHAO, Lidia
Automatic Generation of Test Questions for Language Learning
StudentsSupervisor(s)Project Title
Leong Chi Chong
Choi Io Teng
Hong Ka Wo
Prof. Chi Man PUN Indoor Navigation by Image Recognition
Leong Ka Hei
Leong Ka Chon
Kuan Pui On
Prof. Leong Hou U, Ryan The Rise of Magnetic Positioning: An Emerging and Infrastructure Free Solution for Indoor Positioning
Zhou Xinghai
Cheang Kin Heng
Prof. Weng In SIU, Shirley
Mr. Miguel GOMES DA COSTA Junior
MOOC-Gaze: Online Solution for Tracking Learners’ Gazing Dynamics of MOOC Videos
Zhu Licheng Prof. Yibo Bob ZHANG A Cost-effective Palm Vein Recognition System
Tong Weng Hou Prof. Fai WONG, Derek
Prof. Sam CHAO, Lidia
UM-iMethod2 Chinese – Portuguese Translation Oriented Interactive Input Method (IME) System
StudentsSupervisor(s)Project Title
Xu Chengshuo Prof. Yibo ZHANG, Bob Facial Block Image Analysis Software for Health Status Detection
Lam Wun Teng Prof. Weng In SIU, Shirley PyMOL mControl: Manipulating Molecular Visualization with Mobile Devices
Lei Cheok Hou
Wong Kit Kan
Prof. Sam CHAO, Lidia
Prof. Fai WONG, Derek
iCommuter: Intelligent Transportation Modelling and Management System
Fan Wai Lon
Wong Ka Chon
Prof. Leong Hou U, Ryan Big Data for Smart Transport - Augmented Reality based Transportation System
Choi Sio Keong
Mok Ka Wai
Wong Chon Teng
Prof. Liming ZHANG Membership Virtual Dressing Room
StudentsSupervisor(s)Project Title
Iong Weng Un
Pun Chi Lap
Prof. Leong Hou U, Ryan Travel Route Recommendation System
Leong Ka Chon Prof. Chi Man PUN TongueMove
Zhao Zhou Prof. Yicong ZHOU Image Enhancement Based on Parameterized Logarithmic Image Processing
Chan Chon Kit
Tang Tat Hou
Prof. Yibo ZHANG, Bob Retinal Image Analysis
Wong Wai Kin
Wong Chi Man
Prof. Chi Man VONG, Matthew User Customization for Music Emotion Classification Using Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machines
StudentsSupervisor(s)Project Title
Ao Chi Hong
Choi Chi Ian
Prof. Fai WONG, Derek
Prof. Sam CHAO, Lidia
Ng Chon Kit Prof. Weng In SIU, Shirley Improving Protein-Ligand Docking by Particle Swarm Optimization
Ao Ieong Kit Ha
Ho Sin Nga
Prof. Yan ZHUANG, Sofia Manage Your Mobile Time
Ng Kin Tek Prof. C. L. Philip CHEN The Implementation of Deep Learning Algorithms in Cloud
Cheong Meng Chu
Ho Wai Kin
Prof. Yicong ZHOU Design of Hands-Free Human-Computer Interface
StudentsSupervisor(s)Project Title
Zhou Jizhe Prof. Wen WU Real Time Fluid Simulation and Rendering
Shao Wenjin
Chan Wai Ip
Ao Wai Hou
Prof. Robert P. BIUK-AGHAI A novel map-based information visualization method
Wong Si Man
Chan San Nei
Prof. Liming ZHANG Cartoon conversion system from 2D to 3D
Ng Ka Kit
Wong Keng Kuan
Prof. Long CHEN Multifocus image fusion
Yao Kun Prof. Leong Hou U, Ryan G-PathSim: Revisiting PathSim in Heterogeneous Information Network